Knowledge management solutions should integrate with an organization’s existing systems and work seamlessly with the current IT infrastructure.

Ron Aspe
Characteristics of a Change Resilient Librarian
Special librarians thrive as end user needs and trends (new technologies, globalization, mobile workforce) demand change; be resilient, not resistant.
Platform vs. Application—the KM Conundrum
Organizations with KM requirements often select a software platform rather than a KM application and never get to success. Here’s how to avoid that pitfall.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – An Important Tool for Special Librarians
Artificial intelligence (AI) can help librarians ensure digital content is relevant and manageable. AI may be the next frontier for special librarianship.
Can Artificial Intelligence Make Knowledge Management Sexy?
Artificial Intelligence may renew users’ interest in KM when it dramatically enhances the ability to find the right content via auto-categorization.
The Right ILS for You—Do You Build or Buy?
It’s more expensive to build an integrated library system, ILS, LMS or LAS than to buy off the shelf; it requires time, money, effort and risk.
Holistic KM
Knowledge management solutions should integrate with an organization’s existing systems and work seamlessly with the current IT infrastructure.
Special Libraries and Evidence Based Decision Making
Optimized KM requires more than simple retrieval. There are methods, techniques and technologies that ensure critical knowledge is discoverable.
5 Ways You Can Get the Most from a Software Demo
Canned software demos are meaningless; get a tailored demo from prospective vendors by doing some work in advance, leading to informed purchases.
Museums and Millennials – The Art of Engagement
Millennials are the museum patrons of the future. Appeal to them through social media, especially visual channels such as Instagram and Pinterest.
Is Artificial Intelligence All That and a Bag of Chips?
In the future, jobs will impacted by artificial intelligence, but how does the hype surrounding AI affect your career today as a knowledge professional?
How to Break the Gravitational Pull of Legacy Software Applications
CEO, Ron Aspe share some ideas on how to break away from legacy software, so you organization can move on to new, more efficient tools.
Platform vs. Application—Help for Building a Business Case
The biggest mistake made when selecting a KM system is choosing a platform instead of an application. A business case is simple—yet it is often overlooked.
The True Cost of Open Source—There is Nothing Cheap about Free
The common reason for choosing open source is its price. What can possibly beat free? When you dig a little deeper you’ll see free doesn’t always equal free.
Evidence-Based Decision Making on-the-Fly
We look at a four tools to help you make evidence-based decisions about your organization’s electronic resources for a better KM experience for all.
Do You Deliver Content via Your Organization’s Website? Upward Mobility is Key!
With recent changes to Google’s search algorithm, librarians and knowledge managers need to ensure their sites are mobile friendly in order to be found easier.
Artificial Intelligence and Your Career—A Lighthearted Look
Artificial intelligence is yet another tool for Librarians and knowledge professionals to help their careers. It’s another arrow in their quivers.
Google’s Mobile-First Indexing Strategy is Critical to Your Organization’s Web Presence
Google’s new mobile-first will give preferential search rankings to mobile-friendly sites. Learn how this will impact your organization’s web presence.
The Knowledge-based Content Business is Facing Digital Disruption
In less than a decade, we have gone from CDs, to downloads, to streaming. The online content industry is about to face its own tsunami of change.
Do the Original 5 Laws of Library Science Hold Up in a Digital World?
In 1931, S.R. Ranganathan proposed five principles of operating a library system but, how do “The Original 5” still apply in today’s digital world?
Don’t Let HiPPOs Define Your KM Strategy
Allowing HiPPOs (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) in organizations have complete control of KM strategy could result in project failure.
The Right Archiving Software Addresses 10 Top Challenges for the Archival Profession [Part 2 of 2]
Part 2 of our thoughts on how the right archiving software addresses Mr. Hickerson’s technical challenges for the Archival Profession in the 21st century.
The Right Archiving Software Addresses 10 Top Challenges for the Archival Profession [Part 1 of 2]
Here are some thoughts on how those advancements address the first five of Mr. Hickerson’s technical challenges for the Archival Profession in the 21st century.
10 Ways to Ensure a Robot Doesn’t Steal Your Job
AI will have an increasingly significant impact on the KM profession over time. With the right strategy, you can remain employed in your chosen field.