Social media tools are great for sharing information about your museum. Think them as an unlimited free advertising resource. Here are 5 ways your CMS can help.

Ron Aspe
What’s New at Lucidea Labs?
Wanna know what’s new at Lucidea Labs? We recently launched a project to make our software more accessible to people with disabilities.
The Top Three Social Technologies for Developing Organizational Strategy
Social technologies are now part of Organizational Strategy. KM professionals and librarians should recognize this represents an opportunity for them to contribute to organizational success.
5 Things to Do That Will Energize Your KM Career
Every job has its pluses and minuses. Here are five ways to stay excited about your KM career.
3 Simple Steps for Avoiding Software Purchasing Heartburn
When purchasing software, avoid the heartburn and save your organization hundreds of human hours, and dollars, with these 3 simple steps.
3 Extraordinary Visual Tech Trends You Can Leverage For Your Museum
There are three visual technology trends that offer museums a great way to market their experience and inspire people to visit in person.
Museums and Digital Citizenship
There are three visual technology trends that offer museums a great way to market their experience and inspire people to visit in person.
Three Social Media Platforms Museums Must Adopt
Social media is a unique, powerful way for museums to connect collections with visitors and donors. In order to capitalize, there are three platforms that museums must be adopted.
How Going Mobile Helps Museums Improve Productivity and Increase Visibility
Why you should leverage this mobile technology to increase the visibility of your museum’s content and improve collection management efficiency.
Knowledge Management: A Disaster Recovery Must-Have
Every organization has a disaster recovery plan. Knowledge Management has a key role to play in ensuring your organization’s survival.
Are You Accountable for Managing Your Organization’s Knowledge and Intellectual Property Assets?
Most people think of managing knowledge or Intellectual Property as a process, but it’s also a project. Here’s why it should always start off as a project.
No Longer the Only Game in Town
Business content providers face a new wave of competitors due to the increasing digitization of information resources.
What’s My Motivation?
Information professionals can use technology to offer a wider variety of services with the goals of making it easy for people to find and leverage knowledge.
The (KM) Elephant in the Room
KM encompasses a broad range of meanings with many different definitions that can create too many choices when it comes to selecting a KM system.
This changes everything!
Knowledge management professionals need to better understand the supply and demand sides of their services equation to avoid disruption.
Good Design, Great Strategy and the Wow Factor
Software that enables designers to focus on XD (or Experience Design) can create a “wow factor” in their applications that end users crave.
Digital Leadership – Essential for KM Success
Companies that are digital leaders massively outperform digital followers and digital laggards. This applies equally to knowledge management professionals.
Empathy is a Double-Edged Sword
Why are many knowledge managers and information specialists so great at their jobs? Empathy. But, how does empathy both help and hinder?
Your Audience is… Changing! (Part 2)
The way people engage with information is changing and the way they finding that it matters more than what industry veterans believe.
Your Audience is… Changing! (Part 1)
The way people engage with information is changing and the way they finding that it matters more than what industry veterans believe.
Return on Partnership is as Valuable as ROI
New 2016 trend of friendship as a service is discussed and contrasted against concept of return on partnership. Both are believed to be just as valuable as return on investment.
Integration: The Holistic Approach to Knowledge Delivery
KM solutions need to integrate into an organizations existing systems and not dictate how people work.
If Only HP Knew What HP Knows
HP’s CEO knows that if the skills and knowledge staff could be tapped, it would be transformative and anyone could easily discover what’s been done by whom and exactly how.
Your audience is… changing!
The audience is changing. It’s not about what we industry veterans think, it’s what our end users think that matters and many of them grew up using Facebook and Twitter.