Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 57 – Ana Neves
Stan Garfield
Ana Neves, based in Lisbon, Portugal, is the founder and managing director of Knowman (a consulting company focused on knowledge management and enterprise social networks), author and host of the KMOL portal, and organizer of the Social Now conference. She is the coauthor of the Social Collaboration Maturity Benchmark and author of the biannual study on Knowledge Management in Portugal and Spain. Her specialties are knowledge management, communities of practice, organizational learning, social networks, social tools, internal communication, and cultural change management.
Through Knowman, Ana shares her experience, skills and passion with organizations looking at knowledge management, social networks, and social tools to increase their performance. She is the host of the KMOL podcast, the first Portuguese-language podcast dedicated to KM and organizational learning.
Ana organizes Social Now, a unique conference on the social organization, exploring both tools and processes to improve the way organizations communicate, collaborate, learn, and share knowledge.
She is responsible for Cidadania 2.0, a platform to promote examples of social tools being used to improve dialogue and civic participation.
Knowman collaborates in the creation of a guide for the selection of KM tools
It Can Be Done: Knowledge Management and Innovation in the Public Sector
Stan Garfield
Enjoy Stan’s blog posts offering advice and insights drawn from many years as a KM practitioner. You may also want to download a free copy of his latest book for Lucidea Press: Knowledge Nuggets: 100 KM Infographics. Learn about Lucidea’s Presto, SydneyEnterprise, and GeniePlus software with unrivaled KM capabilities that enable successful knowledge curation and sharing.
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