KM expert Stan Garfield

Stan Garfield

Stan Garfield is a knowledge management expert, author, speaker, and leader in the KM field. Stan began his career at HP, Compaq, and Digital Equipment Corporation. He launched Digital’s first knowledge management program, helped develop Compaq’s corporate KM strategy, and led the Worldwide Consulting & Integration Knowledge Management Program for HP. Stan leads the SIKM Leaders Community with over 600 members globally, and is invited to present at numerous conferences, including KMWorld. He has published over 100 LinkedIn articles on leadership, innovation, knowledge management, communities of practice, enterprise social networks, and social media, and has authored several practical and popular KM books, including Proven Practices for Promoting a Knowledge Management Program for Lucidea Press.

Webinar recordings

Stan Garfield Webinars

Profiles in Knowledge Thought Leaders Part 4

Profiles in Knowledge Thought Leaders Part 3

Profiles in Knowledge Thought Leaders Part 2

Profiles in Knowledge Thought Leaders Part 1

The Five Cs of KM Part 5: Create

The Five Cs of KM Part 4: Collaborate

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Blog posts

Stan Garfield

Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 85 – Harold Jarche

KM leader Harold Jarche provides pragmatic guidance on connected leadership, social learning, personal knowledge mastery, and wo...

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 84 – Bill Ives

The late Bill Ives was one of the earliest and most prolific bloggers writing about knowledge management, Web 2.0, and social me...

What to Look for in Knowledge Management Software

Ideal KM software enables you to capture, curate, connect, collaborate, create, and communicate organizational intelligence in a...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 83 – John Hovell

John Hovell is a leader in the convergence of Knowledge Management (KM) and Organization Development (OD) as a practitioner, spe...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 82 – Morten Hansen

Morten Hansen’s research focuses on social networks, collaboration, knowledge management, and corporate innovation.
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 81 – David Gurteen

Gurteen Knowledge is a resource site that contains a blog on subjects including knowledge management, informal learning, creativ...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 80 – John Girard

John Girard was a professor, storyteller, consultant, and author, and the Director of Knowledge Management at National Defense H...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 79 – David Garvin

KM expert David Garvin was a proponent of organizational learning to counter unpredictability in market forces and technology ad...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 78 – Carl Frappaolo

KM expert Carl Frappaolo was the creator of Delphi’s Knowledge Management Methodology (KM2)
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 77 – Leif Edvinsson

Leif Edvinsson, Professor Emeritus at Lund University in Sweden, specializes in Intellectual Capital Management of Enterprises, ...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 76 – Seth Earley

Seth Earley works in cognitive computing, knowledge engineering, data management systems, taxonomy, ontology, and metadata gover...
Lucidea’s Lens KM experts blog post series

Lucidea’s Lens: Knowledge Management Thought Leaders Part 75 – Graham Durant-Law

KM leader Graham Durant-Law specialized in Business Network Analysis and developed the Six Knows Knowledge Model