Ready to Read: The Archivists’ Advantage: Choosing the Right CMS

Margot Note

Margot Note

June 22, 2020

I’m pleased to announce that my new book, The Archivists’ Advantage: Choosing the Right CMS is now available from Lucidea Press.

I wrote the book for archivists seeking to engage with the process of selecting an archival collections management system for the first time, or to replace an existing CMS to answer changing needs.

Archives and special collections encounter a growing demand for services while facing diminished resources. Success requires innovative practices that maximize resources while focusing on user needs. A good collections management system (CMS) supports these goals, allowing archivists to preserve and reveal records of enduring value. Knowing the organization needs a better archival collections management system is the first step, but deploying one is a significant undertaking. The Archivists’ Advantage: Choosing the Right Collections Management System will guide archivists seeking a CMS for the first time or those who desire to switch systems.

Chapters are:

  • Deciding Change is Necessary
  • Determining Goals, Objectives and Requirements
  • Choosing your CMS
  • Planning and Transitioning to Your New System
  • Implementing your CMS
  • Maximizing the value of your CMS

I hope that what I have to offer will help archivists considering, evaluating, and selecting software that will work best for their unique collections. Both eBook and print versions are available for purchase at, but for the moment you can get a free PDF copy in advance, courtesy of Lucidea, here.

Get your copy now! Ready to Read: The Archivists’ Advantage: Choosing the Right CMS
Margot Note

Margot Note

Margot Note, archivist, consultant, and author is a guest blogger for Lucidea, provider of ArchivEra, archival collections management software for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. Read more of Margot’s posts here, or download a copy of her previous book for Lucidea Press, “Demystifying Archival Projects: Five Essentials for Success

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