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Lauren Hays Presents
Generative AI: Considerations for Special Librarians

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Explore Lucidea’s innovative
Integrated Library systems

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Next-generation integrated library system (ILS)
A Unique, Unified Approach: Library Automation and Knowledge Management

SydneyEnterprise is an integrated library solution that connects traditional library services with knowledge management capabilities to help you manage data points, interrelationships, storage, discovery and more.

If you’re ready to move your organization’s KM agenda forward (but feel stymied by your ILS) you’ll find that SydneyEnterprise is the answer. You’ll enjoy traditional ILS functions (e.g. cataloging, lending, serials and acquisitions), advanced ILS functions (e.g. electronic resource management, Active Directory and SharePoint integration, and multi-branch work flow) and knowledge management functions, such as the ability to create and publish non-library knowledge repositories, federated search of 3rd party content and many others.

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Essential guides
(Free ebook)

Digital Preservation Without Tears

Lucidea’s Lens: Special Librarians & Information Specialists; The 5 Cs of KM

Stan Garfield
Readers of this book will learn how and why incorporating knowledge management fundamentals into special library and information center products and services supports departmental and professional sustainability, and ultimately benefits organizations by offering clear strategic advantage and significant return on investment.

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