We Invite You to Leverage a New Grant Resource for LAMs

Rachael Cristine Woody
For many staff in Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LAMs), there’s a struggle to carve out time to craft a competitive grant project, find an appropriate grant to apply to, and successfully work through the grant application.
Each of these three areas takes time, skill, and previously gained background knowledge in order to be successful. And if you’re new to grants, each of these items can be overwhelming enough to stop you in your tracks.
A Lack of Effective Resources
There are grant resources out there in the form of books, blog posts, videos, and workshops. But many fail to cover all areas of the grant process, and many more are way too generalized to be effectively deployed in a LAM setting. Lucidea and myself—as well as our fellow peers—have crafted grant resources, but many don’t go far enough to effectively meet people’s grant needs.
What Does it Look like to Solve for This LAM Need?
I performed a gap analysis of the grant acquisition resources available to the LAM field.
What there is and what is lacking:
- There are many websites where people have listed and linked out to grants; however, none of them are comprehensive to LAMs, provide basic grant specs, or offer drill-down searching.
- There are proposal examples from federal-level applications, and sometimes at the lower, local level. There are no LAM grant templates that teach LAM members how to plug in content to create their own application.
- There are many silos of resources in one format; such as: blog posts, webinars, or workshops, but no all-inclusive LAM grant toolkit.
The Creation of the LAM Grant Database & Directory
To solve for these LAM grant resource gaps Lucidea and I have teamed up to provide a one-stop-shop to get the majority of your grant needs met. To supplement my book published by Lucidea Press, A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing, Lucidea’s Think Clearly Blog posts, and suite of webinars, we’ve created a LAM grant toolkit. It provides a comprehensive grant database spanning Libraries, Archives, and Museums with opportunities in the United States and Canada. The database allows users to quickly drill-down to see the opportunities that best match their needs for specifications such as: deadline, award range, and grant project theme—the three most important things you need to know to determine if the grant opportunity is a good fit for you. The goal of this database and directory is to give you all the basic information you need up front without wasting time going to each grant website and searching out the fractured information.
We invite you to check out our brand new grant directory here. This directory will be periodically updated so please feel free to send in any national grant opportunities we may have missed, as well as share any feedback to help us make this an even better resource for everyone.
And That’s Not All…
The LAM Grant Workbook
We’ve crafted a LAM grant workbook that introduces you to every typical grant application field and provides four grant application templates. The workbook is designed to guide you through each area of the application, outline what content is needed in order to be successful, and inspire you with four plug-and-play project frameworks.
You can view and download a copy of the grant workbook here.
The Goal? To Empower LAM Professionals
The goal of the toolkit is to empower LAM professionals in their work by providing them all the information and tools needed to confidently apply for grants. It’s our hope that this resource will save valuable time and energy as you navigate your way to application completion and get back to doing the job you love.
Here are Related Resources:
A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing
A List of Grant Writing Posts via Lucidea’s Think Clearly Blog:
3 Common Hurdles to Get Over and Get into Grants
8 Tips to a Bulletproof Grant Proposal
Creating a Museum Grant Writing Roadmap for 2019
How and When a Museum Should Hire a Grant Specialist
How to Determine Museum Grant Eligibility: A Check List
How to Determine Museum Grant Suitability: A Check List
How to Find the Best Museum Grant Funding Opportunity
How to Increase Museum Grant Success by Mastering the Lexicon
Identifying Museum Funding Roadblocks
Museum Grant Application: What Happens if You Fail?
Museum Grant Pitfalls—Know & Avoid Them
Museums with Zero Funding—Stop Saying These 4 Phrases
Top 4 Funding Ideas for Museums
Finally, to celebrate the launch of their Grant Directory and Workbook, I’m teaming up with Lucidea for an Ask Me Anything about Grants webinar! We’re delivering an innovative format for this session. Registrants can submit up to 3 of their most pressing grant questions during the registration process. I’ll compile them and provide comprehensive answers.
Lucidea invites you to attend “Ask Me Anything about Grants” on January 27, 2021 t 11 a.m. Pacific, 2 p.m. Eastern. We welcome your questions on the following topics:
- Grant search strategies
- Determining what grants are the best fit for you
- Grant project ideas
Please register and submit your grant question(s) by January 19, 2021.
**If you have a question that doesn’t quite fit the above categories, please submit it anyway; Lucidea may be able to include it in a future offering.
Register now to reserve your seat in this informative 1-hour webinar.

Rachael Cristine Woody
Expert Rachael Cristine Woody advises on museum strategies, collections management, and grant writing for a wide variety of clients. In addition to several titles published by Lucidea Press, Ms. Woody is a regular contributor to the Think Clearly blog. Visit the links at the foot of this post to read relevant posts, and learn about Lucidea’s Argus solution for powerful and innovative museum collections management.
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