Lucidea’s Archival CMS ArchivEra at Virtual ASA 2021
Chat with Lucidea’s experts at their Virtual Exhibit Booth to see how powerfully and easily their archival collections management solutions enable researchers and the public to connect with the precious materials (traditional, digitized, and born-digital) archivists work hard to preserve. They’ll demonstrate the powerful and versatile capabilities of ArchivEra, CuadraSTAR SKCA, and Eloquent Archives that make them a valued technology partner in the archives community.
Once in Lucidea’s virtual exhibit booth, you can download whitepapers, read client success stories, and watch webinars—and don’t forget to enter their drawing to win a $100 Cole Myers Gift Card.
For further information about any of Lucidea’s collections management products, please phone 604 278 6717 or email with your questions.