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Country: United States

Amount:  $25,000-$500,000

Total Funds Available: $25,000,000

Term:  2-3 years

Deadline:  December 14


The Save America’s Treasures (SAT) grant program was established in 1998 and first awarded grants in 1999 to help preserve nationally significant historic properties and collections that convey our nation’s rich heritage to future generations. Please note there are two separate applications: one for preservation projects and one for projects involving collections.
– Preservation projects (for properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places for national significance or listed as a National Historic Landmark. The property may be listed on either individually or as contributing to a nationally significant district).
– Projects involving collections (including artifacts, museum collections, documents, sculptures, and other works of art).

Eligible properties must be either currently: 1) individually listed as a National Historic Landmark or be a contributing property within a National Historic Landmark district, or 2) individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places for national significance (properties listed at the state or local significance are not eligible) or be a contributing property within a nationally significant National Register Historic District. Properties include buildings, sites, structures and objects. Eligible collections must be determined to be of national significance based on the supportive description of its significance within the application. Collections include artifacts, documents, sculptures and other works of art.

Application Protocol

Apply via

Grant Website


Archives, Capital, Heritage, Museums, Preservation, Restoration

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Helpful Tools

Grants Workbook & Templates

Grants Workbook & Templates

This useful, free ebook (pdf format) includes templates to help you with your grant proposals.
Get your workbook
Museum Grant Writing eBook cover

Grant Writing eBook

A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing is Rachael Cristine Woody's common sense guide to build the necessary skills to survive the grant writing process and thrive within it.
Get your free copy

Grant Writing Webinars

Museum Grant Roadblock Removal: How to Get Around Obstacles and Get Into Grants

Building a Winning Grant Idea

Secrets of Successful Grant Funding Applications

Prioritize and Plan for Museum Grant Acquisition

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