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National Park Service – Battlefield Interpretation Grants

Country: United States

Amount:  $20,000-$200,000

Total Funds Available: $500,000

Term:  1-3 years

Deadline:  January 15


NPS invites applications for the new Battlefield Interpretation Grant program, created to fund “projects and programs that deploy technology to modernize battlefield interpretation and education” at eligible Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War battlefield sites (54 USC §3081). Two categories of grants are available for projects in different stages: 1. Scoping grants are available to fund early stages of project development, such as research and content creation, consultation with stakeholders, exploration of available technologies, audience research, and development of technical proposals. The federal share for these grants should range from $20,000-$50,000 and have a period of performance of 1-2 years. 2. Implementation grants are available to applicants who have completed interdisciplinary scoping prior to application and can provide draft content and design plans. The federal share for these grants should range from $50,000-$200,000 and have a period of performance of 2-3 years.

Application Protocol

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Grant Website


Archives, Education, Exhibitions, Heritage, Museums, Preservation, Research, Restoration

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Grants Workbook & Templates

Grants Workbook & Templates

This useful, free ebook (pdf format) includes templates to help you with your grant proposals.
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Grant Writing eBook

A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing is Rachael Cristine Woody's common sense guide to build the necessary skills to survive the grant writing process and thrive within it.
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Grant Writing Webinars

Museum Grant Roadblock Removal: How to Get Around Obstacles and Get Into Grants

Building a Winning Grant Idea

Secrets of Successful Grant Funding Applications

Prioritize and Plan for Museum Grant Acquisition

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