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Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Community Anniversaries

Country: Canada

Amount:  $25,000

Total Funds Available:

Term:  April 30

Deadline:  Rolling


Funding is available for non-recurring events that mark the 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th); of a significant local historical event or personality. Funding includes capital projects up to a maximum amount of $25,000 (such as community art projects, restoration of objects, community history books, statues and murals). Successful projects may receive up to 100 per cent of eligible expenses to a maximum of $200,000 for events that: 1. Present the work of local artists, artisans and heritage performers or specialists; 2. Actively involve members of the local community; and 3. Are intended for and accessible to the general public.

Application Protocol

Contact the nearest regional office of the Department of Canadian Heritage to request the Community Anniversaries Application Guide and an application form.

Grant Website


Archives, Capital, Heritage, Libraries, Museums, Publications, Restoration

Additions? Corrections? Suggestions? Contribute to the community here


Helpful Tools

Grants Workbook & Templates

Grants Workbook & Templates

This useful, free ebook (pdf format) includes templates to help you with your grant proposals.
Get your workbook
Museum Grant Writing eBook cover

Grant Writing eBook

A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing is Rachael Cristine Woody's common sense guide to build the necessary skills to survive the grant writing process and thrive within it.
Get your free copy

Grant Writing Webinars

Museum Grant Roadblock Removal: How to Get Around Obstacles and Get Into Grants

Building a Winning Grant Idea

Secrets of Successful Grant Funding Applications

Prioritize and Plan for Museum Grant Acquisition

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