What Does Success Look Like for the Special Library?

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A whitepaper based on our popular SLA 2017 Conference Hot Topics Panel Session

Special librarians know that to ensure sustainability they must build a strategy, embrace change, and even create it. They know that the path to success includes doing more with the tools they have, and the skills they’ve built. But do special librarians truly recognize success when they achieve it? Equally important, do they focus on communicating the value of their success to leadership and peers?

Stephen Abram and our panelists discussed important questions, such as:

  • What are the characteristics of a successful special library?
  • How do you know when you are successful?
  • How do you make sure others know you are successful?
  • How do you communicate the value of success?
  • What are the benefits of success?

Our experts covered topics such as alignment with the strategic objectives of your organization, metrics and measurement (quantitative and qualitative), managerial reporting, storytelling, branding and marketing.

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