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Interview with Helge and Rookey on Information Governance Programs

Lauren Hays

Lauren Hays

April 30, 2024

Dr. Kris Helge and Caitlin Rookey are the authors of Creating and Sustaining an Information Governance Program. This book is very useful for anyone working with information governance.

1. Please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Dr. Kris Helge. I work as Deputy Director of Colorado Judicial in the Information Technology Department. I also serve as an adjunct instructor for Rutgers University and Texas A&M University School of Law.

My name is Caitlin Rookey. I work as Assistant Director of Information Management at Tarrant County College. My background is in library science and data science.

2. Briefly summarize Creating and Sustaining an Information Governance Program.

Kris: This book conveys high-level Information Governance topics that for considering when implementing or sustaining an IG department. The book touches on data and data privacy, locating appropriate executive sponsorship and defining an organizational purpose for setting up an IG program, knowledge management, and data security. It also looks at global laws and policy that affect IG programs. Additionally, the book discusses how various technologies can benefit and prohibit IG initiatives and communicates the importance of utilizing data as an organizational asset. The book also offers discourse on how IG affects many different industries: education, law, libraries and other cultural heritage institutions, and for-profit entities.

3. Why did you decide to write this book?

Kris: I have set up two IG programs now, and I wanted to reflect on what I learned and how I could convey helpful information to others regarding high-level IG initiatives.

Caitlin: I wanted to learn and share more about the sustaining of a program. There are a lot of articles and conference sessions on creation, but less on sustainability.

4. What changes are you seeing in information governance?

Kris: I worked in many different organizations. In each of these organizations, IG is defined differently. It is a quickly evolving idea and is very contextual in my experience. Some of the programs that I experienced under the IG umbrella consist of legal, security, records management, accessibility, knowledge management, data governance, compliance, and risk management. Many other areas could fit under this umbrella depending upon the organization.

5. How does the book address those changes?

Kris: This book discusses at a high level many of these issues stated above, including potential pitfalls and benefits of these sub-programs, and how to think about these changes/issues strategically.

6. What are two things you hope all readers take away?

Kris: IG is amorphous and contextual. It is vital to organizations that want to adequately manage their data, keep it secure, use it to reduce risk, and begin to view data as a protected asset.

Lauren Hays

Lauren Hays

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