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KMWorld 2018 Welcomes Lucidea’s Trend-Setting Inmagic Presto & Portfolio of KM Apps
Lucidea, will bring its KMWorld Trend-Setting Product, Inmagic Presto, to the 2018 conference in Washington, DC on November 5th-8th.
Lucidea Press Announces New Book: A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea has announced that museum expert Rachael Cristine Woody’s new book, A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing, is now available. The latest publication from Lucidea Press offers pragmatic advice from Ms. Woody, a seasoned museum...
Lucidea at OMA 2018 – See How Argus and ArgusEssentia Transform Collections Management
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea announces that Argus and ArgusEssentia, collections management software used by forward-thinking museums of all sizes and budgets, will be represented at this year's Ontario Museum Association Conference on October 24th through...
ILS Powerhouses SydneyEnterprise, Inmagic Presto & GeniePlus Coming to HLi in Melbourne
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea, leading global provider of library and knowledge management software, is taking its powerful library automation and KM solutions to this year’s HLi Conference at the William Angliss Conference Center on 19th October.
Lucidea to Highlight New Archives Collections Management Solutions at MARAC Fall 2018
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea, provider of CuadraSTAR SKCA and Eloquent Archives, announces participation in the Fall 2018 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference happening October 11th through 13th in Wilmington, DE.
Experience Lucidea Archival and Museum Software at AASLH 2018 in Kansas City
VANCOUVER, British Columbia Lucidea, leader in innovative collections management software solutions for museums and archives, and provider of CuadraSTAR SKCA, Eloquent Archives, Argus, ArgusEssentia, ArchivEra and ArchivEssentia, is pleased to announce participation in the American Association for State & Local History Conference.
Lucidea Acquires Maxus, Australian Distributor of Inmagic Library Automation and KM Software
Lucidea, the leading provider of library automation and knowledge management solutions to organizations worldwide, has acquired Maxus Australia. Maxus, based in Melbourne, is a distributor that has been supplying and supporting Inmagic solutions since 1984, and has consistently been one of Inmagic’s major resellers.
Lucidea’s New Archives Collections Management Solutions Applauded at SAA 2018
(VANCOUVER, British Columbia) Vancouver-based software developer Lucidea unveiled its new archives collections management solutions at SAA 2018 in Washington DC in August.
Lucidea Reveals New Archives Collections Management Solutions – ArchivEra and ArchivEssentia
VANCOUVER, British Columbia Vancouver-based software developer Lucidea will unveil its new archives collections management solutions at SAA 2018 in Washington DC in August.
CILIP HLG Attendees can Test Arive SydneyEnterprise, Inmagic Presto & GeniePlus KM & ILS Apps
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea, leading global provider of knowledge management and library automation software, is taking its powerful applications to the CILIP HLG Conference 2018 happening at Keele University in Staffordshire, 13th through 15th June.
Lucidea at SLA DPHT 2018 with KM and ILS Apps for Special Librarians in the Healthcare Sector
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Vancouver-based software developer Lucidea will be involved in this year’s SLA Conference and INFO-EXPO, starting with SLA’s Division of Pharmaceuticals & Health Technologies (DPHT) on June 9th and 10th at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore MD.
Lucidea Press Announces New Book: Succeeding in the World of Special Librarianship
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Lucidea has announced that library expert and consultant Stephen Abram’s new book, Succeeding in the World of Special Librarianship, is now available.