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Ron Aspe

Ron Aspe is the founder and CEO of Lucidea, and along with a dedicated and innovative team has built a company that actualizes his vision of offering the best and most comprehensive information and knowledge management solutions to clients worldwide. Ron is passionate about creating ground breaking solutions for knowledge, content and information professionals, as well as archivists, librarians, and curators.
What’s My Motivation?

What’s My Motivation?

Information professionals can use technology to offer a wider variety of services with the goals of making it easy for people to find and leverage knowledge.

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If Only HP Knew What HP Knows

If Only HP Knew What HP Knows

HP’s CEO knows that if the skills and knowledge staff could be tapped, it would be transformative and anyone could easily discover what’s been done by whom and exactly how.

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Your audience is… changing!

Your audience is… changing!

The audience is changing. It’s not about what we industry veterans think, it’s what our end users think that matters and many of them grew up using Facebook and Twitter.

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