National Park Service – Battlefield Preservation Planning Grants
Country: United States
Amount: $30,000-$150,000
Term: 1-3 years
Deadline: December 15
Battlefield preservation planning grants can help preserve any battlefield or associated site on American soil, funding projects that relate to planning, interpreting, and protecting historic battlefields and sites associated with armed conflicts. State, local, and tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Typical awards range from $30,000-$150,000 and do not require matching funds. Since 1990, grant recipients have helped protect and enhance more than 100 battlefields with more than 600 funded projects in 42 states and territories.
Place-Based Projects:
Eligible projects must focus on planning, interpreting, and protecting battlefields and other sites associated with armed conflicts that shaped the growth and development of the United States. “Armed conflicts” are defined as periods of collective violence that are characterized by specific events and bounded in time (e.g. Battle of Harlem Heights, “the Pequot War,” or “the Sand Creek massacre”), rather than broad cross-cutting themes throughout American history (e.g. “violence against Indigenous peoples”).
Application Protocol
Apply via
Grant Website
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Grants Workbook & Templates
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Grant Writing eBook
A Survivor’s Guide to Museum Grant Writing is Rachael Cristine Woody's common sense guide to build the necessary skills to survive the grant writing process and thrive within it.
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Grant Writing Webinars
Museum Grant Roadblock Removal: How to Get Around Obstacles and Get Into Grants